Addiction Voice

12 step programs in Delray Beach Florida

In the mid-1930s, an admitted alcoholic named Bill Wilson had a chance to meet with another alcoholic. The two spent time commiserating about their addiction. From this relationship, Wilson decided there was value in two addicts coming together to help one another. All of this led to the establishment of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in or around 1935. Over the next 50 years, a number of other 12-Step groups were formed, including Narcotics Anonymous (NA) in the mid-1950s. What all of these 12-Step support groups had in common was a platform design to let addiction sufferers in and out of recovery come together in fellowship. The goal of these support groups for addiction recovery was to provide support resources for people who wanted to get and stay sober.

About 12 Step Support Groups -561-658-1729

Membership in a 12 step program in Delray Beach Florida is free. The only real requirement is each member must have the desire to get sober and stay sober. The program gets all of its financial supports from voluntary donations made by members. Funds are needed to support the national and international organizational infrastructure, to pay for the production of literature, and to meet the costs of meeting rooms. Across the nation, AA and NA meetings are being held every day. In large cities, it’s quite possible to find different kinds of meetings, including gender-specific support groups for addiction recovery, general discussion and sharing meetings, and 12-Step workshop meetings.

About the 12 Steps of Recovery

The basic structure of the 12-Step concept is built around the 12 Steps of Recovery. These 12 steps have been designed to provide a roadmap map to spiritual recovery. The term spiritual in the 12 Step community in Delray Beach Florida does not necessarily refer to religion. Being spiritual actually means having faith in someone or something else other than oneself. This other person or thing is often referred to as a “higher power. “At some point during membership, each member is asked to work the 12 Steps of Recovery. This work is often done with a sponsor member who has already been through the process. It’s important that members work the 12 steps in order because it’s a process. You can think of it as a staircase that has 12 steps that will lead you to the promised land of a lasting recovery. Intermingled within the 12 steps are four basic concepts. These four concepts form what would be considered the healing process for addiction sufferers.

The four concepts include:
• Being able to admit that you are powerless over drugs or alcohol
• Taking responsibility for the harm you did while in the throes of your addiction
• Become willing to make amends whenever and wherever it’s possible to do so without hurting others
• Taking what you learn in the program and taking that message to other people who suffer from an addiction. For most members, clarity and peace come from working through all 12 steps. For the ones who relapse and don’t get the concepts the first time, the steps can and should be worked over again.

Alternatives to 12-Step Groups

For the most part, 12-step treatment for addiction is the most common and popular form of a support group within the addiction treatment community. If there is anything about the 12-Step that you find bothersome, you owe it to yourself to consider alternatives to 12-Step groups. The list of groups you might want to consider includes:

• Secular Organizations for Sobriety (S.O.S.)

• LifeRing Secular Recovery

• Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) Recovery

•Moderation   Management

• Women for Sobriety   

• Celebrate Recovery

While the counselors in Beachcomber’s Florida drug and alcohol treatment center might have a preference for 12-Step Groups, we are more interested in making sure all of our graduating clients faithfully attend various support groups upon leaving rehab. Each individual’s prerogative is to choose which support program or programs will best suit their needs. At Beachcomber, we do not believe in a one size fits all concept as it relates to addiction treatment. Every addict is a valuable human being with a unique story of their own and each one deserves a path to recovery that it uniquely fitted for their journey. As a top rehab facility, the Beachcomber’s Florida drug and alcohol treatment center, sincerely committed to provide you or your loved one with the right kind of help for their addiction issues. After that, we feel we have a further obligation to provide the tools necessary when temptation starts calling. If you or your loved one would like to have more information about 12-Step Support Groups or the Beachcomber’s addiction treatment services, call today 561-658-1729

Beachcomber Rehabilitation Center

We Provide Addiction Treatment In A Professional, Confidential, And Respectful Environment.